Bathroom remodeling and renovation in Dallas / Fort Worth

Before and After Samples
Below are a couple before and after examples of bathroom remodels and renovations we did in Flower Mound, TX. Hopefully these give you an idea of what we can do.
Master Bath Remodel – Job #1912
Budget ~ $28,000 | Completion Time: 4 weeks
Services Performed:
- Paint cabinets
- Install new cabinet hardware
- Install Granite
- Install new sinks
- New faucets and plumbing
- Install new jacuzzi bathtub
- Reroute bathtub plumbing
- Run GFCI for jacuzzi
- Tile around bathtub
- Paint walls and door
- Tile shower w/ new concrete board (see here)
- New custom shower pan
- Install frameless shower glass
- Tile floors w/ new concrete board
Master Bath Remodel – Job #1914
Budget ~ $10,000 | Completion Time: 2.5 weeks
Services Performed:
- install new countertops
- install new sinks
- install new faucets
- paint cabinets (see here)
- frame around mirror (see here)
- paint gold light fixture (see here)
- install new floors
- paint doors and trim
- paint walls medium gray
- painting shower glass fixture
- paint peach tub white
- install new roman tub facuet
Additional & Al a Carte Bathroom Remodeling Services

Shower Tile

Floor & Wall Tile

Bathtub Install

Paint Cabinets

Frameless Shower Glass

Plumbing (multiple heads)

Sink and Faucets